Financial Consent Order

Where agreement has been reached between the parties on how their finances and property are to be divided, and there are to be no longer term arrangements, a clean break is achieved.

Advice and Assistance

This type of fixed fee provides advice and assistance to you in respect of dealing with the settlement of your finances on divorce, dissolution or separation . It will try and enable you to reach an agreement with your ex partner. Often advice and assistance will be in relation to a specific part of the negotiations, whether it be providing the options that may be available or completing a financial statement or application for you. It will not deal with the whole process involved in settling the finances or attending hearings for example. Please check exactly what is included in the price with your lawyer. All the quoted prices include VAT but not disbursements such as expert or Court fees.

Advice on agreement reached

Applicant Clean break (no assets)

Applicant Clean break

Respondent Clean break

Applicant Negotiation required

Respondent Negotiation required

Applicant No agreement reached