Fixed fees are often available for the most basic type of will. This would normally include preparing a will that leaves very few legacies, appoints guardians if necessary, and leaves the residue in a straightforward way to a person or equally to a number of people or charities. If you require any tax planning advice, you have complex issues to deal with, or wish to include things such as discretionary trusts or rights to reside in your will, there will generally be an additional fee to pay.
Preparation of a straightforward basic will for an individual. A Basic Will includes appointment of executors, appointment of guardians for minor children, if necessary and a gift of your estate to one person or divided between more than one person.
Preparation of straightforward mirror wills for couples. A basic will includes appointment of executors, appointment of guardians for minor children and a gift of your estate to one person or divided between more than one person.
A Codicil is a document that can make an amendment to your Will but does not make your Will invalid. It will be read with your Will.